About The Wild Animal Sanctuary
The Wild Animal Sanctuary (TWAS) is an international animal welfare organization that rescues and cares for large carnivores who were abused, abandoned, illegally kept, or victims of other inhumane situations. Since these animals were born in captivity and raised by humans, they often carry brutal reminders of their past life such as broken teeth and missing claws, so they can never be returned to the wild. We provide lifelong care and large-acreage habitats on our 10,473 acres of land where they can enjoy life as close to “wild” as possible. The Wild Animal Sanctuary is currently home to over 500+ animals including Grizzly Bears, Black Bears, Tigers, African Lions, Wolves, Mountain Lions, Bobcats, Lynx, Foxes and others.
Thousands of visitors yearly are educated about the Captive Wildlife Crisis, the plight of approximately 30,000 large carnivores living outside the zoo system in the United States. These animals are forced to live in places like roadside attractions, petting zoos, magic acts, shopping malls and even in backyards, basements and garages. Like guns, drugs, and contraband, law enforcement agencies continually confiscate wild animals from illegal situations that include breeding compounds, failed facilities, and private owners throughout the United States.
Our motto is “Saving one animal may not change the world… but surely, for that one animal, the world will change forever!”